పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/47

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

Devoid of clouds the azure sty
  In stainless glory shone,
Like souls that idol-homage fly
  And worship God alone.

59. The rules for the Teta giti and A'taveladi metres are usually committed: to memory in the following form, composed by Blumaua. It is in the A'taveladi metre, but very obscure.

1. Teta giti. *xr»&5 "S^S JXr»eS SSoff Tr°&

2. A'taveladi. a50^ Xra ^^oao So^ ^oS50853S2l

These trniy be perhaps more easily recollected in the following Tersioa.

1. Primus Apollo, bini Indrac, Soles duo, Teta.

2. Tres Soles, J'ovis et duo, quiuque et Apolliuis A'ta.

The Sisa metre.

60. The Sisa verse consists of four similar lines, each of which'may be' conveniently divided into a couplet: having four Indra feet in the first half, with two hidras and two Suryai in the second. Six varieties of the Sisa are described by the Telugu prosodians, but it is unnecessary to' define them here, as the fundamental rule explains them all.

o These lines signify u 1. After OBe' Surya, two Sura Razos (Indra, as lord of tha Suras, or demigods) and a pair (dwayam) of Dina-cara (Surya, as the Sun causes the day) form the Teta giti. 2. A trio (triam) of Ina (Surya) feet, and 'a pair of Indras, with a (pnnchaca) five of (Hamsa.) the Sun (Siirya feet) compose the A'taveladi." This rule is in constant uso among Telugu scholars: but the second half is often put first.