పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/46

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

EnVring her room, the maid aside
With sudden glance her warrior spied;
A flood of loveliness around
In welling joy his spirit drown'd.

57. Here it will be observed that the poet varies his metre in each line, while he still uses only Surya feet (H or N) in the first, fourth and fifth places, and in the second and third only such feet as are of the Indra class. In the first line prasa yati is substituted for simple yati: a liberty allowed in all the Telugu changing metres, but not in the Candam. Wherever the poet finds no convenient rhyme to the yati, he may substitute " prasa yati:" that is, prasa instead of rati. We sometimes meet with verses in the changing metres, that have prasa throughout. Thus in the Nila Pariri'ayamu, a poem composed in what is denominated అచ్చ తెలుగు or Telugu without any mixture of Sanscrit, a Sisa verse occurs in which the same prasa is used throughout: the Telugu poets are extremely fond of such feats of ingenuity, which are of little real use or beauty.

58. In the A'taveladi metre, the first and third lines consist each of three Siiryas and two Indras: white the second and third are each formed of five Surras. ;But the yati rhyme in each line 13 on the fourth foot. There is no prasa. The following specimen is in verse 227 of the seventh book of the Vishnu Purana.