పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/40

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

If all the longs excepting the two last, are resolved into two shorts each, the metre is named Layahari: which of course contains thirty-seven syllables in a line, divided by the prasa into three parts of teu short syllables each, with five shorts and a spondee at the end.

42. But if the initial longs, in the uneven feet only, be each divided into 42 two shorts, the metre is denominated Laya-vibhati.

43. If there are only six such feet (BL, a dactyl and short syllable, 43 with a spondee at the end, and yati, fulling on the uneven feet, (3 and 5) be substituted for prasa, the metre is named Mangala Mah a S'r'i. Thus (one line)

44. But if the line be formed of only three (BL) paeones primi, with a 44 spondee at the close, and yati in the middle, tbe metre is called Vanamayura, Vara sundari, or luduvadana. Thus

The Cavi-raja-virajita is formed of a procelcusmalic (four shorts) followed by six dactyls and a long. Yati falls on the alternate feet:. my name has been introduced into the rule,* but I cannot alter it conveniently.

k All these memorial lines I composed, excepting those for this terse, the preceding three, and the Sanscrit instances.