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పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/39

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

"The first of flowers is the Jasmine; of beings, God; of women, Venus; of cities, Cotijevaram; of streams, the Ganges; of kings, Rama; of poems, the Magha ; and the noblest of bards is Calidasa."

39. The Radhoddhata: a cretic and tribrach; tbeu the caesura, followed by a cretic and iambus (RN*RV).

40. The Prabodhita is composed of an anapjest, amphibrach and two shorts, then theyati, followed by a cretic and iambus. It may be otherwise scanned (SLBL*RV) as divided in the specimen: which includes three other names for it, viz. Manju bhashini, Canacaprabha, and Sunandini.

41. The Laya giahi or Laya-vedi, is formed of a dactyl and short syllaWe (paeon primus') seven times repeated, with a spondee at the close. It has no yati, but prasa (denoted by p) falls, as in the Sisa verse, on the uneven feet, that is, the first, third, fifth and seventh. Each line (as in the Sisa) is very conveniently divided into two.

i A foot of one Ions syllable and three shorts being a paeon; according as the long is in the first, second, third or fourth plaee, it is called a paeon primus, secundus, tertius or quartus. The paoon tertius and quartus are used in the Indra feet. If the reader will reduce this and the four next metres into feet of three syllables each, he will perceWe the confusion that arises from the ordinary Telugu mode of scanning, as laid down in Bhimana and other authors.