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పుట:శ్రీ ఆంధ్రకవితరంగిణి - మొదటి సంపుటము.pdf/8

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

PRDCEEDİNE5 DF THE DIRECTDR DIF PUBLIC LIBRARIES ANDHRA 5TATE · MA DRAS Dis.3331/54 Dated 21–9–54 Sub:--Books and Publications - Book entitled “ANDHRA KAVI TARANGINI Commendation for use in Public Libraries and in libraries of schools and colleges. 戰 Ref:-Letter dated 17th June 1954 from Sri Chaganty Seshayya, Kapileswarapuram; East Godavary. ళాఢాయ్లాva The Book entitled “ANDHRA KAVI TARANGINI in ten volumes written by Sri Chaganty Seshayya’ is recommended for use in all public libraries and in libraries of schools and Čolleges. The undermentioned officers are therefore, requested to bring this publication to the notice of all the concerned authorities. 2. The cost of each valume is Rs. 3/-, and copies may be had from the author, c/o The Hindu Dharma. Sastra Grandha Nilayam, Kapileswarapuram, East Godavari District (Sd.) K. Raghava Reddy, For T)irector of Public Libraries. (True copy Forwarded By Order) L. Subbarao Superintendent. Ꭲo All the District Educational Officers, Inspectress of Girls Schools. Copy to The Principals of all colleges Arts and Professional. Copy to the Divisional Inspector of Schools. Copy to Sri Chaganty Seshayya, Author. Andhra Kavi Tarangini, Kapileswaraparam, “Ësst: Godavari District. (True Copy)