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వికీసోర్స్ నుండి


For use when there is a numbering misprint in the original document. Inserts the correct number but highlights it. Hovering over the number produces a popup note with the message "Transcriber's note: XX in original"", where XX is the actual (incorrect) number in the original. Usage as per {{number}}, with two parameters, the first being the incorrect number, the second being the correct number. For example:

{{sidenotes begin}}
...But I blush not to acknowledge that I much lesse scruple to confess that I Doubt, 
when I do so, then{{misnumber|4|2}} to profess that I Know what I do not : And I should have 
much stronger Expectations then I dare yet entertain, to see Philosophy solidly 
establish't, if men would more carefully distinguish those things that they know, 
from those that they ignore or do but think...
{{sidenotes end}}

...But I blush not to acknowledge that I much lesse scruple to confess that I Doubt, when I do so, then2 to profess that I Know what I do not : And I should have much stronger Expectations then I dare yet entertain, to see Philosophy solidly establish't, if men would more carefully distinguish those things that they know, from those that they ignore or do but think...

"https://te.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=మూస:Misnumber&oldid=386384" నుండి వెలికితీశారు