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వికీసోర్స్ నుండి

This template adds a true carriage return and line feed. It is useful in markup when wikimarkup that must start on a new line such as #, * or ; is used in a table or template. For example, the {{markup}} template creates a table:

Including * Text causes the * bullet markup to not be parsed
Markup Renders as

* Text
  • Text
Including <br/> parses the bullet markup, but adds a blank line
Markup Renders as

&lt;br /&gt;
* Text

  • Text
Using {{crlf2}} parses the bullet markup without extra white space
Markup Renders as

* Text

  • Text
"https://te.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=మూస:Crlf2/doc&oldid=386953" నుండి వెలికితీశారు