పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/44

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

The six feet thus produced are denominated Indra-ganamulu, or feet of Jupiter.

51. If we drop the final long syllable in (R and NG) the first and second of these feet, we have

wi Ha trochee, and Mi N a tribrach, which two are denominated Surya-gana, or Solar feet. Such discriminative names will be found useful as the student proceeds.

52. The addition of cither a long syllable or a short to any one of the Indra feet, converts it into a Chandra foot. Thus twelve Chandra feet may be formed and to these ML (a molossus and short) and LYL (an anapsest

m Na-gnmu is a contraction for JjTf FS+fo&«gj. SL and NL are similar contractions. These three new feet would, I think, be more conveniently denominated LS, LJ, and LN, O^O, e)3SO, and eJJS'o. For the additional syllable precedes th« foot. The old writers, however, prefer all that is obscure.