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వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుట ఆమోదించబడ్డది

that was never gracious; if killed, but one dead that
is willing to be so. I shall do my friends no wrong
for I have none tolament rue; the world no injury,
for in it I have nothing; only in the world I fill
up a place, which may be better supplied when I
have made it empty. 7


I sin in envying his nobility ;
And were I anything but what I am 3
I'd wish me only he. 8

Sc. iii.

I pray you, daughter, sing ; or express yourself in
a more comfortable sort : if my son were my husband
I should freelier rejoice in that absence wherein
he won honour, than in the embracenients of his
bed where he would show most love. When yet
he was but tender-bodied, and the only son of
my womb ; when youth with comliness plucked all
gaze his way; when for a day of Kings' entreaties,
a mother should not sell him an hour from her
beholding; I, ---considering how honour would
become such a person; that it was no better than
picture-like to hang by the wall, if renown
made it not stir, --- was pleased to let him
seek danger where he was like to find fame.
To a cruel war .. I sent him ; from whence lie