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పుట:ఉదయనోదయము (నారన సూరన).pdf/16

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుట అచ్చుదిద్దబడ్డది


two other presents from a Snake whose life he saved from the hand of a Sabara by offering hum the present of a bangle bearing the name of his father Sahasranika comes to know that his wife is safe in Udayadri through the Sabara who bungs the bangle for sale m the town. goes there and brings back his wife along with the son When the King on account of old age retired to the forest, Udayana became king with Yaugandharayana and Rumanvan as his ministers Leaving all the administrative affairs to his devoted ministers, he was amusing himself by playing on the flute Ghoshavati presented to him by the Snake, and attracting wild elephants into submission by the power of its music Chandasena King of Ujjaini wanted to give his daughter Vasavadatta in marriage to Udayana but he was not in good terms with him Knowing that Udayana was addicted to the amusement of catching wild elephants in the forest, he got him captured through the strategen of an artificial wild elephant and placed Vasavadatta under him to learn music from him. After a time, through another strategem played by Yaugandharayana for the deliverance of his master, he steals away from the city of Ujjain during the night along with Vasavadatia on an elephant, and after killing the guards and defeating the armies sent against him in a fight single-handed, makes his escape Later on, the king of Uyan sends his son to have the marriage of Udayana and Vasavadatta celebrated

Such is the main story of the 2nd lambaka of the Kathasaritsagara in which a few other stories, such as that of Lohajangha are inter-woven.

N Venkata Rao