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పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/73

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

with (he nasal 3\ They arc therefore added to the second line: in which t£x is of course admitted, because compounded with ష.a[1]

125. The letters £9, £3 can rhyme to o5o, (because «^ a, is attached to it), to £ (as in sT"dS>£) and iy (y, and h).

126. The three forms of r, viz. &, (as in igy**) *na" tne ft"TM F~ cf (as in కీర్తి)b[2] correspond. But cT and t» never can rhyme either in yati or prasa.c[3]

127. The three letters n JS' and^ as in correspond. .

128. M (either &3 or as in Sjv^d5o^)) and CO (6 preceded by sunna, as in tfo$T) correspond.

129. The subscribed form of ?S (viz. _j> as in WXjS) rhymes of course to all such letters as rhyme to t$ itself.

  1. a A verse will be given in this section which will assist the student's memory: in a very accurate Critic I find the following remark on what we may consider defective rhymes. "The delicate ears of a Pope or an Addison would scarcely hare acquiesced in the usage of imperfect rhymes; if such had been really a blemish: there seems to be sometimes a beauty in departing from a perfect exactness of rhyme, as it agreeably breaks that sameness of returning sounds ... on the ear, which in poetry, perhaps as in music, requires something like an occasional discord to make even harmony itself more agreeable.", Walktr,t Rhyming Dictionary; preface to the supplement.
  2. b The letter p— (called ^ e)_) as in lOjr- is often used in Telugu, in imitation of the Sanscrit letter. But Appa Cavi declares that it ought to be disused in the Telugu character: Thus he writes 1 6 instead of % 9 p—.
  3. c This discrepancy of the two letters r forms a great difficulty in Telugu prosody. Yet in English rhyme we haTe rules that are equally difficult to foreigners; thus tight, and white, or thought and tort, though exactly similar in sound, would hardly ever be allowed to rhyme.