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పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/69

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

117. Other varieties admit the (yafi) pause at the close of the 2d, 3d, or 4th foot. If the second and fourth feet in each half be amphibrachys, it is denominated Cbapala.: If this be the case in the first half only, the name is Mukha ctoapala. If the reverse, Jaghaua chapala. One iustance will suffice;

v [1]

"Crishnff, amorous, full of youthful spirit, and beautiful, is Ike delight of the brisk Vraja maids."

If the whole verse resemble the last half of this, the name is Upagiti. Other varieties are of very small importance, as the rules for the Cauda Terse (in Sauscrit Arya-giti) explain every description of Arya.w[2]

  1. v Here d&T'oZcS I SSo would seem the (rue reading: but in that case an amphibrach would fall in the fifth place. I mention this to shew the difficulty of the metre, and the necessity of an accurate recollection of the rules, as well as to preclude other objections.
  2. w The similarity between some species of the Arya, and the following metre, has not perhaps, been remarked. -Quem tu 1 Mclpome. 1 ne semel Tfoscen | .tern placi- 1 do 1 lumine | videris Ilium I non labor i Isthmius Clara 1 bit pugi- i lem 1 non equus 1 impiger &c. Hor. 4 Od. 3. This howeTor, is a fixed metre; not admitting of varieties such as are allowed in the Arya and Canda. Other similarities between Sanscrit and Greek fixed metres might easily be poiated out, but I omit them, as those species of vine arc common in neither language.