పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/66

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102. Vidyunmala, of four spondees, without yati. -sr^45~"§ i TP'tr'1 25a «~» Or the name simply repeated, as

103. The Pushpitagra has (NNRY) two tribrachs, a cretic, and a bacchic, in the first and third lines, while the second and third have (NJJRG) a tribrach, two amphibrach*, and two trochees.t[1]

104. The Praharshini has (MNJRG) a nioiossus, tribrach, amphibrach, cretic, and long syllable.

105. The Sragvini is (RR*RR) formed of four creticks with yati in the centre.

106. The Vis'wadeva or Vais'wudevi, formed of five longs before the rhyme: then two creticks and a long (MGG*RRG).

107. The Vams'astha: (JTL*RV) an amphibrach, spondee and pyrrhic, followed by the rhyme, or pause, a cretic and iambus.

  1. t Such metres, haying the 1st and 3d lines on one model while the 2d and 4th are on r.nother, are called Purasthaua vritta; while such as haye the first half in one species of verse, the latter being in another, are named Swa sthana. Though described in Telugu prosodians they are found only in Sanscrit poems. The Upajati (sect. 38) it thus a mixed metre.