పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/64

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ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

sixteen syllables each; the pause falling in the middle, each half line contains eight syllables. Of these the 5th, 6th, and 7th alone are subject to rule. Jci the first half they usually consist of the bacchic (Y) and in the second, of the (J) amphibrach. The molossus, cretic, dactyl, and tribrach (M, R, B, and N) are often used in the 'first half instead of (Y) the bacchic. Thus, expressing those syllables by x which are not subject to rule, we fiud the five following varieties.

In a work on Prosody written by the celebrated Calidasa, he only gives one form for this very easy species of verse : dividing the Sloca into four verses of eight syllables each, he merely directs that the fifth syllable shall be always short, the sixth long, and the seventh alternately long and short. That is, in the free places of the first half line he uses (Y) the bacchic alone.

This is by far the commonest form. Thus in the Maha Bharata, in the fourth section of the tale of Damayanti :

q The Telugu character is less convenient than the Devanagari for writing Sanscrit; in which it is customary among the Telogus to omit the long mark of the Sanscrit etwain.