పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/61

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

In the second and fourth lines, the fourth foot rhymes in yali to the initial. In the fust and third lines there is no yati.

93. The four syllables preceding the prasas in each line must be even; all short, as in the first of the instances now given, or all long, as in the second. But if long, these must all either be so by position, as in the second of these instances, or by (dirgham) nature, as in the following verse: for these two species of longs are never used together. This rule applies to all the fixed metres as well as to the Canda verse.

Bhagavutu, book x, pari 1, verm 352.

All evils from indulgence rise,
Correct your son to make him wise;
By due correction he shall learn,
Wisdom and folly to discern.

94. The following is the rule, given by Bhirnana for the Candu metre, and though intricate, is here inserted because in very common use.

That is, "The Canda has (alternately) three and five feet: the GG,