పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/55

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు

75. The Itagada is written in couplets connected at pleasure by a prasa: not four liues in a verse. It is formed of four, eight, or sixteea syllables iu a line, and often uses the rhyme named Autya-niyama; that is, that the terminations correspond, as is the case in English. This is very similar to the Vaitaliyam, see sect. 118. Nine species are described, but these are evideutly reducible to three.

76. I. Eight feet; with rati on the third and fifth. The feet are a tribrach and trochee alternately; or entirely tribrachs, entirely trochees; or else any mixture of these feet: prasa ic rarely used.

77. II. Using prasa; with the same number of the same feet, but with yati only on the fifth foot.

78. III. Is the same twice repeated, divided by yati into four equal parts.' Some authors compose it wholly of trochees, with a tribrach at the close: prasa is used.