పుట:The Prosody of the Telugu and Sanscrit L.pdf/53

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు


The six species of Accara are denominated Madbya accara, Madhura, Maha accara, Antara, and Alpa accara. Each species requires prasa.

68. I. The Madbya accara line consists of two equal portions, with yati in the middle. Each half has two Indras and one Surya. Yati occasionally falls on the third or fifth, as well as on the fourth toot.

69. II. The Madhur-accara has one Surya, three Indras and one Chandra in each line. The yati falls on the initial of the last Indra.p[1]

70. III. The Maha accara has one Surya foot, five Indras, and one Chandra.

71. IV. But a variety of it admits Surya feet in the second and fourth places. In each sort yati falls on the fifth foot.

72. V. The Antar-accara has one Surya, two Indras and a Chandra in each line. Yati falls on the last syllable of the second Iudra.

73. VI. The Alpa accara is formed of either two or three Indras, followed by one Chandra, the initial of which is the yati.

74. The reader will recollect that the Chandra feet are formed by adding either a long or a short to any Indra foot. M and Y however (being excluded from the Indras) cannot take a final long, though a short may be added: and Y having a short initial, a short may be prefixed. This the Telugu writers explain by a table which will be found in the Appendix.

  1. p The Madhya accara and Madhur accara alone are, I beliere, in use; and eTen the* •nly in Nannaya Bhatt.