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వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు


This book of my niece, G. Atchamamba, is the fourth of her works. The subject has been well chosen, the heroine being our late Qucon-Empress of India, who well deserved the Sanskrit Motto, “ Na Vishnuh prudhivi patihi," i. c., no one becomes the sovereign of a country who has not been born with the power of Vishnu, the Protector. This work is an humble tribute paid to Her Majesty, out of pure devotion to Her Majesty's virtues, by one of Her Majesty's loyal subjects.

This was finished just before the 1st January, 1903 and was read, at Vizagapatam, with the Coronation Group Photo in the chair, in the presence of the Pundits assembled in my house, to celebrate the Coronation Festival of Their Majesties, the King-Emperor, Edward VII and Queen-Empress, Alexandrina.

An English Translation has been added at the end, for the sake of the English-reading public so that they might understand the original, in its real spirit, as near as possible.