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వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుటను అచ్చుదిద్దలేదు


2. O God, the Almighty! Pray listen. I have begun to write the History of the great Queen Victoria, to my great satisfaction, after devoutly praising my own protecting Diety and after worshipping Vighnapathi (controller of disturbing influences) and Vani (commander over all speaking powers).


3. There is a prosperous city called "London" with lines of palaces, chariots (coaches), horses and loyal warriors &c. The Royal family of the great Hanover House rules over it, the peoplo praising the rule with delight.


4. The grand-father of the great Queen was George III. He gained fame having satisfactorily reigned for 60 years and lived for 82 years. Ho was the father of 15 children. His eldest son reigned for 10 years. The 2nd having predeceased the first, the 3rd son reigned happily for 7 years. The fourth son was the illustrious father of the great Queen. Their names are, in order, George IV, Duke of York, William IV and Edward. The daughter of the Prince of Saxo-Coburg (in Germany) was the mother of the Virtuous Queen.

5. The lovely Charlotte, daughter of George IV married the Queen's maternal uncle and was the heir-apparent to the throne but she soon had to go to the Higher world. George III was sorry to find that the Duke of York had no children. He had, therefore, to see his next two sons soon married.

6. William had no sons, while the illustrious wife of the Duke of Kent who won the heart of her lord became the mother of the glorious soveriegn of the land.


7 & 8. At the auspicious Lagnum (a sign of Zodiao) which is Meshum occupied by the planets of Mars & Venus, while the second from the Lagnum was occupied by the Sun and by the Mercury with their appropriate lusters, the 6th by the shadowy planet called Kethu and the eleventh by the Moon and by the Jupiter and while the 12th was presided over by the Saturn and by the other shadowy planet called Rahu, tho 24th Constellation called Satabhisham not having passed quadrant of the said Lunar Mansion and on the day-break of Friday, the 4th day after the full-moon-day of the Hindu month of Vysagham in the year of Vikrama, the grand Queen