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పుట:రాజగోపాలవిలాసము (చెంగల్వ కాళయ).pdf/28

వికీసోర్స్ నుండి
ఈ పుట ఆమోదించబడ్డది


from the throne, and after wandering in the forest for some time, happened to go to the asrama of Yagnaseela (45-46).

The sage was moved on seeing the king in such a condition. He took him in, and explained to him that the disease was due to his ingratitude towards Brahmins, who alone could secure for him health, wealth, and prosperity (46-53.) He then took the king to the river Haridra, in this Kshetra, and asked him to bathe in the river. He said that this river was capable of effacing all the wins of the people who plunged in it (54-58.) Immediately after taking bath in conformity with the holy rites. he became a perfect man, as before. The king then performed all the sixteen Danas. He give a crore of precious stones to God, and vessels made of five metals. He became a great devotee of Vishnu and returned to his capital 58-61. The efficacy of Astaskhara, and Dwadasaskara are described 62-65. The canto ends with the usual invocatory verses at the end.

This is the origin of Dakshina Dwaraka or Mannargudi as given in Rajagōpālavilasamu. The tank at Mannargudi is still called Gōpralayam reminding is of Gopralayamuni in the work. The temple of Sri Rajagoplaswami was built by Kulotthunga-Chola (1070-1124). It is stated in the work "Inscriptions of the Madras Presidency" Vol. II. Page 1294 that the Temple was rebuilt by Vijayaraghavanayaka of Tanjore, giving reference to "Tanj Gazr. Vol. I. page 227." as under. But the supplement to Tanjore Gazetter Vol. I Page 239 appended to volume II. clearly states under Mannargudi - Page 277 - Paragraph 1, "The Nayak King who built the